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How a SoulJourney Energy Portrait captures the essence of your most precious value: a channelled explanation of a throat chakra

Writer's picture:  Leiah Bowden Leiah Bowden

a collage of SoulJourney Energy Portraits of four throat chakras by Leiah Bowden
To protect Craig's privacy, I am showing you a collage of four other people's throat chakra SoulJourney Energy Portraits, which show the healthy blue throat chakra color embellished with the individuals' own energy patterns.

(This session is also available as an audio file. Please be warned if you listen to this, though: Soundcloud will immediately begin playing a track by the marvelous Scottish band, Allbanach, as soon as this file is finished. Sorry! Unless you like bagpipes, in which case, enjoy!)

Craig, a new client, sat in front of me, referred by a family member. I didn't know whether Craig was familiar with the concepts underlying the process of creating these audio/visual portraits of people's multidimensional soul aspects, so I made sure to explain what I was doing. I wanted him to understand that I would be presenting a channelled explanation of a throat chakra. Here's how it rolled out:

L: “This is a portrait, like if you went to an artist and said, ‘Paint my picture.’ That's what I'm doing. But instead of painting the picture of your physical form with the beautiful blue shirt, I am going to be painting what I see through my imagination of your soul's expression. So, you know, you know that everything is energy, right?”

C: “Yep."

L: "No problem with that. So, I see the energy that flows through you, and I also get messages and songs and feelings sometimes in my own body…”

C: “OK.”

L: “… that mirror what your soul's expression energetically is.”

C: “So when you say you see this energy flowing, is this energy flowing like, let's say I were a tree and pulling up moisture and water coming up type of thing and then letting it go, or is it just something that is a closed loop within me?”

L: “It's not a closed loop at all, and that's a wonderful question. After many years of doing this and not understanding it, I just, I just was sort of awakened to it. It just was something I began to be aware of and so I began doing these paintings without understanding it. And people responded very well. So I thought, well, I'll do more of these.”

C: “Okay.”

L: “Because even though I can't explain it, I cannot, certainly not with any scientific verity…”

C: “Yeah.”

L: “I just – it’s something that people like, so I do them, but I have come to an understanding that makes sense to me, so I'm going to tell you what that is.  I believe, and again, I can't explain it, and I don't even understand it. I believe that before someone is even conceived, that there is – picture, ok, – All That Is – you might call it God. You might call it the universe. You might call it the cosmos. But it's clear that there is something that creates life, right? And that something is a mass of energy with movement.”

C: “Okay.”

L: “And impulse. And so before a person or a tree is born, there is a building of impulse in All That Is. And all of a sudden, that impulse bursts forth as Craig. Whoooosh.  Craig goes everywhere. There is life everywhere, in every realm. So there is a tree-like being that is Craig. And Leiah. There is some place in the stars  that we exist: everywhere in the cosmos. That's the theory that I have come to from doing these and noticing what comes through: that we exist, certainly within our bodies…”

C: “Yeah.”

L: “But we also exist as aspects of our soul everywhere else in the cosmos. I can't explain it. I have no idea whether it's true, but it's true for me, so I've shared that with you.”

C: “So that means that when we leave these physical bodies, the essence of us is still out there.”

L: “I believe that's true. That's what I believe. And so when I create these, I use language and phrases that reflect that.”

C: “Oh, okay.”

L: “That there is also, going along with this, that all  -- because we are limited in what we can conceptualize, because, right? So the other thing that also doesn't make sense to me, but which makes sense in another way, is that there is no time. Time is a construct that we created in order to make sense of things…”

C: “Sure.”

L: “… but that rather, there's one eternal moment. Everything is happening all at once.”

C: “We see time linear.”

L: “That's right.”

C: “Yeah.”

L: “So people talk about past lives, and I used to think, well, I once lived in 16th century Italy as a seamstress, just an idea that I had. What I say now is that I am living in 16th century Italy as a seamstress, and I also am living in a zillion other frameworks. That's the way it works for me, and yet I manage to pay my bills and drive my car.”

C: “Existence is simultaneous on all these other planets.”

L: “Got it!”

C: “Yeah.”

L: “Got it. So that's the underlying theory in which this makes sense to me.”

C: “Well, there you go.”

L: “Okay?”

C: “Yeah.”

L: “Great. “So what I'm going to do now is I am going to look at your whole energy being. I'm opening myself to your energy being on as many levels as I can, and I'm going to see where in your energy flow, it feels like it wants some attention. And that's the part of you that I am going to be depicting, and I also will be singing and chanting gobbledygook. Now you can't you can't say no to one part of a process and yes to another. It's all part of the same thing, right? So this gobbledygook is something I learned is called Light language, okay? And what I was taught, and what I've sort of figured out, is that just as we have physical DNA, we have cosmic DNA. That is, there is there are nodes – there are nodes of who we really are that exist outside the limitations of our physical body. That is our cosmic being. So…”

C: “Okay.”

L: “So I get messages from these cosmic parts of ourselves as well, and that all goes into what I sing and say and draw.”

C: “Okay, so when you're looking at me, do you want me to entertain any kind of thought process?”

L: “No, you can make up a laundry list, or you can sit, or you can think of poetry, or you can think of a TV show that you watched. Doesn't make any difference. Okay?”

C: “Yeah, it's liable to be monkey mind.”

L: “Monkey Mind is fine, okay? Because  I'm not reading your mind. I am not making any attempt to figure out or perceive what you're thinking of. I'm just seeing what I will – and that's another point. What I put on the paper? It's something that I am seeing with my imaginative eye. I'm not making it up. Okay, so now I'm going to spend some time just sort of moving into the flow that is you.

(Now you'll see some text in burgundy. I'm using this to signal the content that I was channeling from Craig's expanded understanding in partnership with my own, which is how this all works.

The great – now, here's an example.  I've begun to say something. I'm interrupting to tell you what it's about. This is me talking:  Leiah, but I was just about to deliver a message that is coming from your larger self, whoever that is, wherever that is. It could be the divine self. It could be an angel. It could be a you that you know very well. It could be just something…doesn't sound logical at all, but it's part of the process. Okay.

The great teachers that we have espoused, the great teachers whose guidance we have valued more than anything are always with us, even though those great teachers may have gone to the great beyond when we find ourselves in the need of education, toward a thought that is new to us, or toward a life step which looks dangerous and frightening to us, it is the great teachers we can call on for their wisdom. It is the great teachers who may have been in our childhood, actual teachers in a classroom, or they may have been the thoughts that we once had in a dream, or they may have been the grace we found when looking up into the sky at a cloud.

The great teachers are always with us for their guidance, for their love, even though their love may have been couched in phrases like “That was good, but you can do better. Do it again.” The great teachers are those presences in our lives, from the moment we are conceived to the moment we rise above our physical form, the essence of what could be no longer the essence of what is in 3d; the great teachers are available to us, and we feel them singing in our bones and in our blood, as well as singing through our memories. The great teachers are those of whom we have read, of whom we have dreamed and also those we imagine. For the great teachers are whomever we choose to pay attention to in our own wisdom, for we always know what direction we need to go in in order to find ourselves where our souls are telling us we need to be. The great teacher could be a tree, a great tree. The great teacher could be the xylem and the phloem singing to our own blood as we sit in the forest of our lives wondering how high we can climb. The great teachers are here with us. The great teachers are present, holding us like babies in their arms, pushing us toward the water, even though we have not yet begun to swim. And yet the great teachers are there for us, assuring us that all will be well.


The part of your energy flow that had the most juice that said, “Me, me, me!” Is your throat chakra. The throat chakra reveals what your most precious held value is, and what I perceive of that is that learning and knowledge are very, very precious to you, and that it is not just learning and knowledge, but the spiritual component of that that learning and knowledge help us rise above our fears and our baser instincts, because the other color that's here is white, and white is the color of pure spirit. That's what we are, as they say, “We are spirit having a human experience.”

"And so there is white here as well as yellow. Yellow is the color of conscious knowing, learning. White is the color of the Spirit. And so both of those are here. And then there's also the color, the color of the beautiful throat chakra, healthy throat chakra, which is blue. So now I'm putting in this blue, and we'll see what else comes.

Rising above our challenges is not easy at any time, but the rising above is a function of our belief that there is a better moment in which we can live, that there is a better version of ourselves that we can craft, just as a silversmith crafts beautiful objects and jewelry out of out of Earth, the metallurgist takes Earth and rolls it in his knowing hands and presses and burns and heats and compresses and eventually presents us with the precious metal that we can then take carefully and mold and craft into what we desire for ourselves. In this way, the knowledge that is at the heart of your highest version of yourself, your dearest version of yourself, the knowledge is always available to you.

"It is always in becoming the knowledge that you so value, the ability to learn something, because you know that if we can learn something we can improve. We can build our stronger borders when need be. We can open our more transparent windows when we want. We can build the self, the society, the safety, the forward thrust of a better way to be who we are as individuals and as a society. This is what learning gives us. Without learning, we would be static. We would be statues. We would be things, not beings. And we are, of course, not things.

"And so in the dreams that you have of how to be the you you came here to this hard place to live, to this place of cruelty and challenge, of floods and fires and stubborn people who will not learn, to this place where there is so much to rail at and yet so much to bless, this place that we call home, this earth, this community, there is so much of blessing here that we find ourselves joyfully embracing new thoughts and new ideas we never thought we would encounter, much less embrace, because it is all part of what it is to learn, what it is to be human. The apple in the Garden of Eden was just the beginning, and there was no smiting. There was no punishment that we could not learn from. When we go too far in our reach, we fall, but then we get up, and we have not suffered more than our own potential will help us recover. We are always becoming. We are always becoming that which we came here to be, and no one knows who that is until we have filled out the outline of our nascent being with experiences that have taught us what we can be, even though we never dreamed of it.

"The experiences that we have in our lives are the makings of the new person and the new society that is always just around the bend, just around the horizon, just below the threshold of our hearing, just beyond the horizon of our sight and just out of reach of those people we feel aligned with because we love them, even though they never seem to understand what it is we are pushing toward, because we are always pushing toward something. That is who we are, that is the being creator created us to be. 'Here,' Creator says, 'do something with this. Be. Build more than what you see. What you see is only the basic beginning. I am giving you the building blocks, and I am trusting that you will take what I give you and surpass what I thought was possible.'

"That is the nature of our lives here on this hard planet of floods and fires, of wars, of betrayals and of all those terrible things we sometimes need to go through and sometimes are blessed by only seeing them on the news. May the floods and fires of our lives be quickly quenched, may we find the love that we can extend to everybody, so that there is no more exclusion, so that there is no more strife, so that what is for one can be the blessing for many.

" That is your most precious nature, that is this throat chakra that I am now portraying, is where your dreams of a better place, a better person, a better way of being who you are, where it sits, where it is always possible, where your dream of knowledge, not just for knowledge's sake, but in order to be part of the building blocks and the future translucent bridges into possibility are born. This is who you are. This is your dream’s form, the beautiful relationships, the beautiful life, the beautiful love you have found and made real in your children, in your plans, in your work. You are the beautiful future. And that's what I saw when I looked at the energy in your throat.”

C: “Okay, so this, you say the throat chakra…”

L: “Yeah.”

C: “… is a desire for knowledge. Is this a  foundation?”

L: “For you.”


L: “For you. Now, I don't know you. You're thinking, I don't particularly value knowledge.”

C: “Oh, I do.”

L: “You do? Okay! So!”

C: “No, you were, you hit the nail on the head.”

L: “Oh, good, good. I like knowing that.”

C: “You did.”

L: “So the throat chakra is the place where we not only hold the concept of what is most valuable to us, but it shows how we express it. So this blue flows out easily, richly. Everyone who knows you knows that you really value knowing things,  that you don't suffer fools lightly.”

C: “Yeah.”

L: “So that's what's here.”

C: “And what does the red symbol...?”

L: “Oh, that's my signature.”

C: “Oh, okay.”

L: “One day when I was meeting with other artists, and I didn't like to sign my name on things, because I thought it interrupted the flow of the artwork. They said, 'You need a signature!' So it was winter time, and this was in upstate New York, and where there was snow on the ground, and I had a dog, and so because I had a dog, I had a stick on the porch. So I went and I picked up the stick and I said,' I need a signature!' And I was impulsed to make this motion in the snow, and that's my art signature.”

C: “Okay, so the yellow indicates…”

L: “Knowledge.”

C: “Knowledge flowing out, flowing in?”

L: “Knowledge itself.”

C: “Okay.”

L: “Just knowledge. Learning, knowing, knowing, for knowing’s sake. And the white is spirit which underlies everything.”

C: “Okay. And the blue is?”

L: “The blue is the color of the healthy throat chakra. If I had seen…”

C: “Physically healthy or mentally healthy?”

L: “Physically, actually, energetically healthy.  If the energy is not healthy, the flesh is not healthy.”

C: “True, yeah.”

L: “I'll tell you how I know this. I was once doing a portrait of someone. When I do a whole portrait, I do every energy center, the crown chakra, the third eye, the throat, everything. And I got to this woman's solar plexus… I did Dominic’s solar plexus, and it's gold. It's beautiful. And I got to this woman's solar plexus, and I felt a twist right here. It like, like a cramp.”

C: “Yeah, like when you're running and it… "

L: “Exactly, exactly, the stitch in one side. So I felt it, and I looked, and what I saw was light green instead of yellow or orange. So both of those things told me that something wasn't right. So I sat, and before I colored it in, I sat and I loved that spot. I pretended that I was holding a baby, and I rocked the baby, and I said, 'It's okay. Whatever was wrong, it's gone. Now everything is okay.' And I rocked it, and I did that feeling love pouring out of me for her, for that one spot right there, until I felt the stitch in my side go away, and I saw the color change to this beautiful orange. So it's the energy that I'm seeing.”

C: “That's what I was going to ask you, was that just negative energy that was stored there and you helped it get out?”

L: “It was, and afterward, when I told her about that, she said that that she had a memory that was indeed connected to her sense; the solar plexus holds safety. And she said she indeed had a memory involving an uncle who made her feel in danger, and that there had been an incident with this uncle that had never been resolved. That's what I saw. This energy, because, you know our bodies, like when you go, have you ever had a massage, a professional massage?”

C: “Oh yeah, yeah.”

L: “ Yeah. So you know that our body holds energy that just won't let go.”

C: “Oh, yeah, yeah.”

L: “So…”

C: “Muscles tighten up.”

L: “Muscles tighten up, or we have a bad…”

C: “Mentally you tighten.”

L: “That's right. That's right, exactly. Thank you so much for being willing to do this.”

C: “Oh, well, thank you for taking the time to look. So this is just like a like a snapshot.”“ It is exactly what… that's what I say. This is a snapshot of your energy flow.”

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